Taking the three earthquakes which occurred in Xizang of China during the period of July 12 to August 25, 2004 as an example, the paper analyses the Ms≥36.0 earthquakes that occurred in China and Ms≥37.0 earthquakes that occurred in overseas since May of 2003 by combining the image data of National Centers for Environmental Prediction of America with the astro-tidal-triggering and makes the following conclusions: The temperature abnormal image data of NCEP can better reflect the spatialtime evolution process of tectonic earthquake activity; The keep pace with the dynamic state of temperature abnormal change of astro-tidal-triggering can better images; The astro-tidal-triggering has an evident triggering effect on the active fault where the terrestrial stress is in critical status; It is a new thinking to use the NCEP images and the astro-tidal-triggering to forecast short-impending earthquake ; The three earthquakes occurred during the same phase of the respective astro-tidal-triggering (ATSA) additive tectonic stress cycle, i.e. occurring at the time when the ATSA reached the relatively steady end of peak, rather than the time when the variation rate was maximal. Meantime, the author discovered that the occurrence time of other earthquake cases during 2003--2004 in Xizang was also in the same phase of the above-mentioned cycles, and therefore, further study of this feature is needed with more earthquake cases in other areas over longer periods of time.
Seismology and Geology