Objective To screen the distal-less homeobox 2 (DLX2) related genes in developmental mice olfactory bulb (OB) and discuss the molecular mechanism of differentiation of the anterior subventricular zone derived neural stem cells in OB. Methods A large-scale Oligo microarray containing 16 844 genes was used to examine the gene expression status in OB in different developmental stages from embryonic day 16 to postnatal day 21 (El6, P1, P7and P21 ). The control sample was obtained from a mixture of the whole brain tissues in the above mentioned four time points. It was considered a differentially expressed gene if its expression level differed by more than a factor of 2 in the two RNA samples. The DLX2 related genes were screened by using the genetic relevance networks analysis. Results It showed that there were 623 differentially expressed genes with differential ratio ≥2 and 29 DLX2 related genes at the 0. 95 correlation coefficient level. There were 13 classified genes which involved in metabolism, apoptosis, development and signal transduction and 16 unclassified genes in the 29 genes. Conclusion Twenty-nine genes may play a role in DLX2 expression regulation during the OB developmental period, and the further study on them may help to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the differentiation of anterior subventricular zone derived neural stem cells in OB.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgical Disease Research
Olfactory bulb
Distal-less homeobox 2
Neural stem cell
Anterior subventricular zone