

Clinical application of impression cytology in ocular surface disease
摘要 印迹细胞学(IC)作为一种简单易行的眼表细胞学检查方法,已广泛用于结膜、角膜及角膜缘等疾病的研究。通过常规光镜下的不同染色、电镜观察、免疫组织化学染色、PCR分析、免疫印迹及流式细胞学等方法,研究分析各种眼表疾病的细胞病理学改变、细胞免疫表型及抗原的表达、粘蛋白等基因转录水平的调节以及眼表微生物的检测等。对其基本原理、方法、在眼表疾病诊断上的应用及一些新的研究进展作一综述。 As a simple and practical diagnostic tool for ocular surface pathology,impression cytology has been used to the study on ocular surface diseases such as conjunctiva,cornea or limbus diseases. It represents a non-invasive biopsy of the ocular surface epithelium with no side effects or contraindications. Some diagnosis techniques,such as regular microscopy with different staining, electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry, polymerase chain reaction analysis, immunoblotting analysis, or flow cytometry ect. can be used to the study of pathological changes of the ocular surface diseases,expression of the cytologic antigen, impact of contact lenses on the ocular surface, monitorment tolerance and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, measurement of levels of ocular mucin genes and identification of microorganisms of ocular surface. The principal and method of impression cytology, its applying in diagnosis of various ocular surface diseases and some new progression are reviewed.
作者 赵立全 朱煌
出处 《眼科研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期549-552,共4页 Chinese Ophthalmic Research
关键词 印迹细胞学 眼表疾病 诊断 impression cytology ocular surface disease diagnosis
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