A lime-ferrous sulphate process for treating waste water from sulphuric acid plants was studied experimentally at pH 9.5 and 9.0 Fe/As 2.5 and 15, respectively for two continuative treatment stages. When the waste water contained 61 mg/L As and 213 mg/L F, As and F content of the effluent water were≤0.15 mg/L and≤13.83 mg/L, heavy metal ions less than detection limits, and pH, Fe and suspended solid content all up to natonal standard. Protection of Waste Heat Boiler Convection Tubes in a Sulphuric Acid PlantPang Renjie, Kou Hongqing(46) The cause for abrasion of tube bundles in a waste heat boiler was analyzed. Use of angular cover instead of circular one effectively protected tubes from abrasion in scouring of high velocity and dust loading flue gas.
Sulphuric Acid Industry