

The Effect of Memory Searching on the Life-span Development of STM Capacity
摘要 以横断研究方法探讨一生发展中搜索速度对短时记忆容量的影响。以记忆广度任务和斯腾伯格任务分别测量6~70岁被试短时记忆容量与记忆搜索速度。结果发现:记忆广度在16岁达到最高峰,以后开始下降;一生的不同阶段,斯腾伯格任务中成功搜索的加工过程基本一致,但搜索速度一直在发展;搜索速度可能是贯穿短时记忆发展一生的影响因素。 A cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the effect of searching rate on the life-span development of STM capacity. 120 participants aged from 6 to 70 were involved in this study. The digit span and searching rate of each participant was measured. The results showed that digit span increased with age in childhood and peaked at the age of 16 , and then decreased; all participants showed a serial scanning process in successful trials in the Sternberg task, and the searching rate varied across all age groups. Regression analysis showed that the developmental variance of searching rate could account for 50 percent of variance of life-span STM capacity.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期1211-1214,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 华东师范大学211项目"认知过程和认知发展"资助
关键词 一生发展 短时记忆 记忆搜索速度 横断研究方法 记忆广度 life-span development, STM, searching rate
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