
我所见到的司徒乔先生 被引量:1

Mr. Situ Qiao as I Knew of
摘要 我初次见司徒乔先生,是在半个世纪以前。记得约在一九二三年,我刚到北京的第二年,带着我的那份乡下人模样和一份求知的欲望,和燕京大学的一些学生开始了交往。最熟的是董景天,可说是最早欣赏我的好友之一人。常见的还有张采真、焦菊隐、顾千里、刘潜初、韦丛芜、刘廷蔚等等。当时的燕京大学校址在盔甲厂。一次,在董景天的宿舍里我见到了司徒乔。他穿件蓝卡机布旧风衣,随随便便的,衣襟上留着些油画色彩染上的斑斑点点,样子和塞拉西皇帝有些相通处。这种素朴与当时燕京的环境可不大协调,因为洋大学生是多半穿着洋服的。若习文学,有的还经常把一只手插在大衣襟缝中作成拜伦诗人神气。 I first met Mr. Situ Qiao a good fifty years ago. Along about 1923, the year after I came to Beijing, I remember, with the look of someone from the country, and driven by a keen desire to learn, I began to rub elbows with some Yanjing University students. Among the students there was a Dong Jingtian with whom I got on very well. He was one of the earliest friends to appreciate me, so to speak. The others I often met with were Zhang Caizhen, Jiao Juyin, Gu Qianli, Liu Qianchu, Wei Congwu and so on. I had a chance encounter with Situ Qiao in Dong' s dormitory on the campus (Yanjing was then located in Kuijiachang). He wore an old khaki windbreaker in a casual fashion, its front dabbed with accidents of paints, looking in a way like the late Emperor Selassie of Ethiopia. His simple wear was quite out of tune with the ambience of Yanjing, for in those days most students wore western-style suits. Some of the literature majors would put a hand half inside their overcoat through the joint of the front, striking a posture with the air of the English poet Byron. Some were even more ridiculous, trying to pass off as a poet by equipping themselves with letter paper marked with the words "poems by so and so" on the margin when they had hardly composed anything at all.
出处 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期90-92,共3页 Chinese Translators Journal
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