
杏仁核点燃鼠海马不同亚区Bax mRNA的表达 被引量:1

The expression of Bax mRNA in the hippocampus-subareas in amygdala-kindled rats
摘要 目的:观察细胞凋亡调控基因Bax mRNA在癫癎鼠海马不同亚区的表达。方法:利用电极植入鼠脑杏仁核的方法建立点燃癫癎模型,采用原位杂交法检测鼠脑海马CA1、CA2、CA3及齿状回(DGL)区Bax mRNA的表达。结果:正常大鼠海马各区少见Bax mRNA阳性细胞表达,杏仁核植入电极大鼠及其点燃后海马各区Bax mRNA表达阳性细胞数增多,点燃鼠Bax mRNA阳性细胞平均光密度高于仅仅植入电极鼠,海马不同亚区Bax mRNA阳性细胞平均光密度值不同。结论:杏仁核点燃癫癎模型鼠的海马不同亚区均存在Bax mRNA表达增强,但不同亚区对Bax mRNA表达敏感性不同,以DGL区为最高。 Objective:To observe the expression of Bax mRNA in hippocampus-subareas in the amygdala-kindled epileptic model rats. Methods: Amygdala-kindled epileptic model was used to study the expression of Bax mRNA in hippoeampus-subareas (CA1 ,CA2 ,CA3 and DGL) through in situ hydridization histochemistry (ISHH). Results: Only a few Pax mRNA immunoreactive-positive cells were found in hippocampus-subareas in normal rats. After bipolar electrode was implanted and kindled, the positive cells increased , and the average optical density (AOD) of Bax mRNA immunoreactive-positive cells after kindling were higher than those in the rats with only implanted electrode . The AOD values differed among CA1,CA2,CA3 and DGL subareas. Conclusion: Bax mRNA immunoreactive-positive cells can be measured in the hippocampus after amygdala-kindled rats, and the different values of AOD in hippocam- pus subreas may lead to the recognition of the susceptibility of sezure-induced hippocampus damage. The highest value exists in the DGL subarea.
出处 《临床神经电生理学杂志》 2006年第5期292-295,299,共5页 Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology
关键词 点燃 癫痫 海马 凋亡 BAX MRNA Kindling Epilepsy Hippocampus Apoptosis Bax rnRNA
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