大屏幕时钟及温度显示器目前广泛应用于各种场合,然而目前市场流行的大屏幕时钟及温度显示器均存在时间数据修改困难的缺点,而时钟数据会因使用时间长而产生积累误差,因此必须修正。针对此问题,以AT89C52单片机作为控制核心,时钟芯片选用DS12887并采用红外遥控技术进行编码和解码,实现10 m以内可稳定有效遥控修改时钟数据。
Today,large screen display of time and temperature are very popular, which has been used in lots of places. But most of them have disadvantages, for example they are very difficult to modify the time data when it's wrong, which is often difficult to void. In allusion to this problem,the research is based on AT89C52 and adopts Ds12887 and infrared technique to encode and decode to allow people to modify the time by using remote- controlling device,and the effective distance is 10 m.
Modern Electronics Technique