Recently Brutman and Passow considered Newman-type rational interpolation to |x| induced by arbitrary set of symmetric nodes in [-1,1] and gave the general estimation of the approximation error.By their methods one could establish the exact order of approximation for some special nodes. In the present paper we consider the special case where the interpolation nodes are the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind and prove that in this case the exact order of approximation is O(1/n|nn)
Recently Brutman and Passow considered Newman-type rational interpolation to |x| induced by arbitrary set of symmetric nodes in [-1,1] and gave the general estimation of the approximation error.By their methods one could establish the exact order of approximation for some special nodes. In the present paper we consider the special case where the interpolation nodes are the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind and prove that in this case the exact order of approximation is O(1/n|nn)
Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation.