The well evidenced basal conglomerate within 'Dengfeng group' has been discovered in the Songshan area. Its characterjstics show that it is the basal conglomerate developed in normal deposition rather than the pseudo-conglomerate resulted from the other geological processes. For the discovery of the basal conglomerate, the 'Dengfeng group' is dissected into the Shipaihe complex developed before 2500Ma and the Junzhao group formed during the period from 2500Ma to 2200Ma. The granitic Shipaihe complex is unconformably overlied by the Junzhao supracrustal rocks. Inclusions of supracrustal rocks in the Shipaihe complex are the relicts of the Qingyanggou type greenstone belt developed before 3000 Ma rather than the xenoliths of the Junzhao group.
Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research