
人原发性肝细胞癌和癌旁组织ets-2,IGF-Ⅱ,C-myc和N-ras表达的研究 被引量:5

A Comparative Study of the Expressions of ets-2, IGF-Ⅱ, C-myc and N-ras in Human Primary Hepatocelluiar Carcinoma and Tumor-adjacent Tissues
摘要 本文研究了12对人原发性肝细胞癌(PHC)和癌旁组织ets-2,IGF-Ⅱ,C-myc和N-ras的表达。在12对标本中,至少有1种以上的癌基因表达增加。ets-2表达最多见,12对标本中均有表达,以3.5和2.4 kb的条带为主,而正常对照肝表达4.5,3.5和2.4 kb条带,以4.5和3.5 kb条带为主。6例癌旁组织ets-2的表达高于PHC。IGF-Ⅱ在3对标本中表达为5.0和2.0 kb的胚胎型转录物;1例标本癌旁组织有5.0和2.0 kb IGF-Ⅱ表达而PHC中却没有表达.N-ras在8/12 PHC和6/12癌旁组织表达为4.0 kb的条带,2例癌旁组织N-ras的表达高于PHC.9/12 PHC和6/12的癌旁组织有4.0 kb C-myc表达条带,其中1例癌旁组织C-myc的表达高于PHC.在2例PHG,除4.0 kb条带外还有2.2 kb的C-myc的表达。 The expressions of ets-2, IGF-Ⅱ, C-myc and N-ras in 12 pairs of human primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) and tumor - adjacent tissues are presented in the present paper. The results showed that there was at least one of the four oncogenes studied overexpressed in the 12 pairs of samples. ets -2 was the most commonly expressed oncogene seen in all the PHC and tumor - adjacent tissues, with 3. 5 and 2.4 kb as the major two bands, which differed from the evenly expressed 4. 5, 3. 5 and 2. 4 kb bands in the normal control livers. In six tumor-adjacent tissues the expression of ets-2 was higher than that in PHC. IGF-Ⅱ was expressed as 5. 0 and 2. 0 kb fetal transcripts in PHC and tumor-adjacent tissues, while in the normal control livers it was 5. 6 kb. One tumor-adjacent tissue had IGF-Ⅱ fetal transcripts expressed but the corresponding PHC had no IGF -Ⅱexpressed, indicating the reverse differentiation in PHC. N-ras was expressed as 4. 0 kb band in 8 out of 12 PHC and in 6 out of 12 tumor-adjacent tissues. In two cases the expression of N-ras was higher in tumor-adjacent tissues than in PHC. 5. 6 and 2. 6 kb N -ras transcripts were also detected in one pair of PHC and tumor -adjacent tissue and in two tumor - adjacent tissues, together with the 4.0 kb transcript. C - myc was expressed as 4. 0 kb band in 9 out of 12 PHC and in 6 out of 12 tumor-adjacent tissues. One tumor-adjacent tissue had higher C-myc expression than PHC. In two PHC 2. 2 kb C-myc transcript was detected besides the 4.0 kb transcript. The roles and relationships of these oncogenes in the carcinoge-nesis of human PHC are discussed in detail.
出处 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期1-5,共5页 Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
关键词 肝细胞癌 癌基因 癌旁组织 oncogene primary hepatocellular carcinoma PHC
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