
一次高炮防雹效果的CINRAD/CC产品分析 被引量:11

Effect Analysis of A Hail Suppression by Anti-hail Gun Based on CINRAD/CC Products
摘要 结合2005年6月25日祁连山东部1次高炮消雹试验,利用新一代天气雷达高时空分辨率资料,从消雹前后雷达回波外形特征、垂直最大回波强度、回波顶高、雹云内部水平风场、垂直结构、最大垂直积分液态含水量的变化以及地面降水实况等方面进行了检验分析。结果表明:(1)高炮消雹抑制雹云的发展主要存在2方面作用:一是AgI在爆炸点附近快速四周散播,并与周围冻滴快速碰并而减少冻滴的平均质量和直径,二是炮弹爆炸动力抑制爆炸点下方附近上升气流的发展;(2)高炮消雹在有效抑制冰雹云发展的同时,有利于地面降水的产生,起到人工增雨的效果,对此次消雹过程而言,假设空中液态水以雨滴形式全部降到地面,消雹后地面降水将增加4.69%。 The effect of a hail suppression by anti - hail gun which occurred on June 25, 2005 in the east part of the Qilian Mountain was analyzed by using the CINRAD/CC products, including the layer composite reflectivity factors, the maximum values of the vertical reflectivity, echo tops, the horizontal wind field in the hail cell, the vertical structure and the maximum values of VIL, their changes before and after the hail suppression, as well as ground precipitation. Results show: ( 1 ) There are two aspects of hail suppression effect by anti - hail gun : The first is that silver iodide crystals sprinkle fleetly around the explosive point, and collide with the surrounding frozen droplets, reducing the average quality and diameter of frozen droplets; the second is that the power from shells exploding suppresses the developing of the updrafts under the explosive point. (2) The hail suppression by anti - hail gun is available for rainfall increase on ground. As for this hail suppression process, assuming that liquid water in the hail cloud falls completely as raindrops to the ground, the precipitation on the ground will increase 4.69%.
出处 《干旱气象》 2006年第3期23-30,共8页 Journal of Arid Meteorology
基金 国家科技攻关项目(2004BA901A16) 中国气象局气象新技术推广项目(CMATG2005Y05) 甘肃省自然科学基金重点项目(3ZS041-A25-012)共同资助
关键词 高炮消雹 新一代天气雷达 效果检验 hail suppression by anti -hail gun CINRAD/CC effect analysis
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