为提高镇江恒顺香醋的质量和安全性,该文通过介绍恒顺香醋的生产工艺、产品危害识别和可接受的水平,制定了操作性前提方案,并通过制定食醋操作性前提方案,运用关键控制点和食醋 HACCP,达到了降低产品危害到可接受水平。
In order to improve the quality and safety of Zhenjiang Hengshun vinegar, this article discusses the establishment of ISO 22000 system on Zhenjiang Hengshun vinegar production. After the introduction of producing technologies, the discussion of product hazard identification and product acceptable level, this article sets the operational prerequisite program. Based on vinegar operational prerequisite program, by using critical control points and vinegar HACCP plan, the hazard of Zhenjiang Hengshun vinegar is reduced and its quality and safety are greatly improved.
Jiangsu Condiment and Subsidiary Food