
泛系变分运筹:科学理性与计算机-PanCNITHT——廿逻技化百阴阳,冯诺伊曼蓝外苍 被引量:4

Pansystems Variational OR:Science Rationality&Computer-PanCNITHT SocDLCT-PVOR/[20-PanLogics+100-Pan(xy)]→The greenness outside the Neumann′s blueness
摘要 本文论述泛系变分运筹(二仪泛导运泛极,大善怡憾巧显生———极导极兮悖转奇)对气象学、科学理性、科学哲学、哲学逻辑、CNITHT(计算机、网络、IT、高新技术)等等的运用。20多种泛系哲学逻辑和30-100多种泛系对偶的泛系变分运筹展示了泛系论对CNITHT的来龙去脉和进一步开拓的理法。有关内容有几十种泛系哲学逻辑的理法核心和具体建构框架:泛导,泛极,泛俪,观控,数据挖掘,智能,本体论,十巧十仿(十俗十驴),经济学,尺度,相对性,运算,运转模拟,发现,模态,幽默,诡辩,来龙去脉,原型模型再原型,辩证法,公理系统,概念扩变,社会化技术化分工合作的泛系变分运筹,等等。廿逻技化百阴阳,泛导泛极极导极,其展示的CNITHT思路和理念沿承、发挥、扬弃和扩变了冯诺伊曼的思想。 The applications of pansystems variational OR ( PVOR: d (xy) =* 0*/ PRR' P') are developed to CNITHT ( computer, network, IT, Hi -tech), science rationality, philosophical logic, Neumann thought , meteorology, etc. the 20 or more PanLogics and 30 - 100 - modes of PVOR present new investigations on CNITHT and their methodology.The related contents include the theory - method cores and framework - building of many tens of PanLogics. The theory of Pansystems Philosophical Logic (PPL, PanLogic) and related applications are developed in the paper, specially applications to.computer and CNITHT (computer, network, IT & Hi -Tech ). The related theory- methods of pansystems theory, including PanConcepts & PanMethods which can be refined to operate thinking, or information - processing with relative pansystems quantification or with relative mathematical forms or technological forms all can be included in the category of PPL. The paper includes many concrete PPL - modes : Thinking Science, Panderivatives, Panextrema, Operations, Discovery, Ontology, PVOR, PanCombination, PanRelativity, Philosophy of Science, 10 -Simulations, 10 -Principles in Social OR, Observocontrolability, PanAgent, Axiomatic Systems, Dialectics, Scale, Modal Logic, Economy, Humor & Sophistry, Concept-theory, SocDLCT-PVOR (socializational division of labors and cooperation and technicalizational Pansystems Variational OR: d(xy) = " 0"/PRR'P') and related pansystems philosophical anthropology, 20 -prototype - model modes, Data mining , etc. The PPL -applications are concerning mathematics, chemistry, physics, mechanics, biology, cybernetics,computer science, sociology, etc An important formula for PanCNITHT is: SocDLCT - PVOR / [20 - PanLogics + 100 - Pan(xy) ] → PanCNITHT = * [ SocDLCT - PVOR(n) → CNITHT - PVOR(n) → SocDLCT - PVOR( n + 1 ) → CNITHT - PVOR( n + 1 ) ] →……]→ Sskeys/ [ Intelligence, Knowledge, Information, Data, Economy ] /SocPanVitalityPVOR The idea or theory or thought about CNITHT developed in the paper can be connected with certain extended embodiment of Neumann' s thought.
作者 吴学谋
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2006年第10期20-42,共23页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 泛系论 计算机 网络 IT 高新技术 思维智能科学 数据挖掘 冯诺伊曼 变分运筹 科学理性 哲学逻辑 气象学 pansystems theory, computer, network, IT, Hi - tech, thinking - intelligence science, data mining, variational OR, science rationality, philosophical logic, Neumann, meteorology
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