
不同热处理条件下45钢柱壳的动态性能 被引量:13

Dynamic characteristics of 45 steel cylinder shell by different heat treatment conditions
摘要 以不同热处理条件下的45钢作为研究对象,利用高速摄影和金相分析来研究45钢柱壳在爆轰加载下的膨胀断裂特性,以及不同热处理条件对材料的动态断裂性能的影响。结果表明:随着回火温度的升高,45钢强度减小、静态延伸率增大,爆轰加载时柱壳表面裂纹产生及发生贯穿断裂而导致产物泄漏的时刻逐渐推迟,相应应变逐渐增加,同时回收到的破片尺寸逐渐增大;四种45钢的静态力学性能及动态断裂性能有明显差异,是因为不同热处理条件下,材料细观组织的结构、组成均发生较大变化,即材料的细观组织决定了材料的静态力学性能及动态断裂性能。 High-speed camera and optical microscope were used to study the fracture characteristics of the 45 steel cylinder and the effect of the heat treatment conditions on them. Results show that while the temper temperature rises, the intensity decreases and static fracture strain increases, the time of crack generation and resultant leakage in the outer surface of the 45 steel cylinder delays under detonation loading, at the same time the corresponding strain increases, the size of the fragment increases. The reason that the static mechanics characteristics and the dynamic fracture characteristic of the 45 steel are evidently different is that the buildup and the component of the material's microcosmic structure are greatly changed,i, e. static mechanics characteristic and dynamic fracture characteristic depend on the material's microcosmic structure.
出处 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期423-428,共6页 Explosion and Shock Waves
基金 中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所发展基金项目(FZ03001)
关键词 固体力学 膨胀断裂 热处理 45钢 solid mechanics expanding fracture heat treatment 45 ^# steel
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