
论美国新保守主义——解读当代美国新型保守派 被引量:6

American Neo-Conservatism: An Interpretation
摘要 20世纪60年代下半期,美国政坛上崛起了一股新保守力量,称为新型保守派。新型保守派对20世纪60年代的新左派、反正统文化运动深为反感,认为它们颠覆、破坏了美国的价值体系,动摇、削弱了美国的文明根基。作为早先的冷战自由派,他们认为自由派的国内政策扩大了政府权力,限制或侵犯了个人自由权利,而自由派的外交政策则背离了美国自由价值观,损害乃至玷污了美国作为自由世界领袖的形象。为了复兴美国传统自由主义的精神,新型保守派与现代自由派分道扬镳,他们批评和抨击现代自由主义思想,影响和确定美国的国内外政策走向。 In the late 1960s, a new conservative force, known as the neo-cons, emerged in the American political arena. As former liberals, the neo-cons detested everything the New Left, the counterculture, and the sexual revolution stood for, believing that all these movements either subverted or destroyed the American value system. As former cold-war liberals, they disapproved of the domestic and foreign policies pursued by the liberal democrats, arguing that these policies either betrayed American freedom or tarnished the American image in the world. As part of an effort to redirect American society and reshape the image of America as a world leader, these former liberals separated themselves from the li ̄beral bloc, calling for the restoration of American traditional values and challenging the modern liberal ideas in both American domestic and foreign policy.
作者 王恩铭
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第10期44-50,共7页 World Economics and Politics
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  • 1Irving Kristol, "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed-Perhaps,the Only-Neoconservative," Public Opinion, October/November 1979, p.50.
  • 2Robert Muccigross, Basic History of American Conservatism, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company, 2001, p. 105,107.
  • 3Mark Gerson, The Neoconservative Vision: From the Cold War to the Culture War, Lanham, Maryland: Madison Books, 1996, p.8.
  • 4Seymour Martin Lipset, "neo-conservatism: Myth and Reality,"Society,July/August 1988, p. 29.
  • 5Nathan Glazer, "Neo - conservatism: Pro and Con," Partisan Review, Vol.4, 1980, p.498.
  • 6Paul Gotffried, The Conservative Movement, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993, p. 78, 85-86,85-87.
  • 7William O' Neill, Coming Apart, New York: Quadrangle Books,1971.
  • 8Charles W. Dunn and J. David Woodard, Conservative Tradition in America, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, 2003, pp. 3-5.
  • 9Mark Gerson, The Neoconservative Vision: from the Cold War to the Culture War, pp. 83-84,9-10.
  • 10Paul Boyer, et al. , The Enduring Vision, Lexington, Massachusetts: D, C, Heath and Company, 1993, pp. 1001-1003.











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