

The Predicament of Female Personalized Writing and its Post-Modernism in the 1990s
摘要 1990年代女性个人化写作是上世纪末中国文坛热点话题之一。它在借鉴西方女性主义的基础上,以其独特的文本对固有的男性权威发起强有力的挑战,从而发出女性自我的声音,因而这种先锋实践是具有一定实际意义的。然而,由于对西方女性主义理论的接受与挪用时产生了错误与偏差,女性作家在创作上过分期望通过走类似西方女性主义斗争之路来谋求中国女性解放之路,从而导致了与几千年的中国传统文化发生抵触。虽然1990年代的女性个人化写作在前后两个阶段存在价值取向上的差异,但都有现代性的特点,这也是造成困境的主要原因。首先,是后现代式解构性思维的困惑;其次,是专注自我的后现代模式;第三,是后现代的精神困境。其教训是包括个人化写作在内的所有女性作家应当正视自己,正视现实,以个性生命展现时代精神,关注现实,关注人生,找到真正属于自己的写作位置,以达到时代性与个人性的高度统一。只有这样,我们才能走出当下女性个人化写作的困境。 The female personalized writing in the 1990s is the hot point topic of Chinese literary world at the end of the last century. On the basis of western feminism, the female personalized writing launches a strong challenge to the male authority through its peculiar texts, and cries out the female sound of self. Therefore this kind of practice has its own practical significance. However, because of the mistakes and variation in acceptance of the western feminism, the female writers expect too much on the road of western feminism in seeking Chinese female emancipation, leading to the confliction with Chinese traditional culture. Although there exists the difference between the value orientations before and after the 1990s, they all have the characteristics of modernity, which is the reason of the predicament. First, it is the puzzlement of the deconstruction of the post-modernity, then comes the self-concentration of the mode of pest - modernity and finally is the spiritual puzzlement of post - modernity. All the female writers including the personalized writers should look squarely at themselves, face the reality, pay attention to the reality and life and find their writing position which belongs to them so that they can realize the unity of the reality and the personality. Only in this way can they get rid of the writing predicament of female personalized writing.
作者 张立群
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第5期41-45,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 1990年代 女性个人化写作 女性主义 后现代性 困境 the 1990s female personalized writing feminism pest-modernity predicament
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