气候是土壤形成的要素之一。反过来,从土壤及其风化壳可论证气候变迁。中国南方的红色风化壳是第四纪形成物。其上均质红色风化壳及红壤是晚更新世形成物,延续至今,而澳大利亚、非洲大陆红色风化壳是在第三纪的古陆上形成的,但现代土壤不少是气候变干旱后形成的。北欧、北美是12000a B.P.才从冰川下裸露成陆,形成了灰化土、泥炭土等。黄土层、火山灰下埋藏了多层古土壤,记录了第四纪气候的变迁。
Climate is one of the factors of soil formation, on the other hand, soil condition records the long term climatic change. From judging the definite soil type and evolution, the changing of climatic condition may be correlated.
1. Red weathering crusts and soils in South China were formed in Quaternary Period, especially the upper homogeneous red clay and red soils were formed in the Late Pleistocene and up to now. The African and Australian Continents were covered by comparatively ancient red crusts since Tertiary Period, but the arid and semi-arid soil types are found.
2. The land surface of North Europe and North America adjacent North-polar region were free from ice cover around 12 000 a B. P., since then, the podsolic and peat soil are generated.
3. Buried soils occurred under the thick loess and volcanic ash stratum recording the changing of climatic variations in the Quaternary.
Quaternary Sciences