

Design and Simulation of On-Chip RF Magnetic Medium Inductors
摘要 片上无源电感是RFIC中需求很高的器件.将适宜的磁材料引入到射频微电感中,既可有效地提升电感L值,从而使电感所需面积减小,又能保持甚或提升电感Q值,是实现高性能、小尺寸射频微电感的一种非常有前景的方法.我们设计了不同结构的磁介质微电感,通过软件仿真研究了电感结构和材料参数变化对电感性能的影响,为研制小尺寸、高性能片上磁介质电感提供了理论指导. On-chip passive inductors are highly required in RFIC. To integrate suitable magnetic materials into RF inductors is a promising method of achieving high-quality and small-size RF inductors, which could not only increase the inductance L and therefore reduce the size, but maintain and even raise the quality factor Q as well. Kinds of integrated magnetic medium inductors are designed. The influences of structure and material parameters on inductor performance are systematically simulated. These results give design instructions to achieve real small-size and high-performance on-chip magnetic inductors.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第05B期1934-1937,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 美国自然科学基金资助(0302449) 中国自然科学基金资助(90607021)
关键词 片上电感 射频集成电路 铁氧体 仿真 on-chip inductor RF IC ferrite simulation
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