
基于纳米磁珠技术的新型微全分析DNA芯片的研究 被引量:4

Study of a Novel Magnetic Bead-Based Microchip for DNA Analysis
摘要 在微全分析系统的研究中,样品提取及DNA分析技术是非常重要的一个环节.也是目前国内外研究的热点之一.文中介绍了一种新型的基于单芯片的样品制备和扩增方法.采用多层微加工技术制作SU-8模具,通过注模成型,制作出有立体微柱结构的PDMS(聚二甲基硅氧烷)芯片,在芯片微池内填充超顺磁性磁珠,利用固相提取(solidphaseextraction,SPE)法,将细胞裂解、DNA提取、PCR反应等功能集成在一个PDMS芯片上.整个流程快速有效,操作简便且易于芯片系统集成,提取产物可以不必洗脱,直接作为下一步PCR反应的模板,在同一芯片上进行扩增反应,实现了样品预处理、DNA提取和PCR扩增的集成. On-chip DNA analysis is one of the key techniques of micro total analysis systems. We present a single chipoased method for genomic material preparation and amplification. Based on multilayered lithography of SU-8 patten, a PDMS chip is fabricated for integration of thermal cell lysis, solid phase extraction (SPE) of DNA and on-nip Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by filling the micro-chamber with magnetic beads. DNA captured by MHs is served as the template for on chip' PCR without elution. This study shows an approach towards an integratedmicro system capable of comprehensive genetic analysis on single chip.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第05B期2107-2110,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 上海市科委纳米专项资助(0452NM038 05NM05015)
关键词 PDMS 固相提取 磁珠 细胞裂解 PCR PDMS solid phase extraction magnetic bead cell lysis PCR
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