Ultra hydrophobic surfaces take on bet- ter hydrophobicity and exhibit a water contact angle larger than 150°. In this paper the ultra hydrophobic- ity is analyzed and common fabrication methods are summarized in detail. The applications of micro to- pography in both the fabrication of hydrophobic sur- face and the experiments of drag reduction are ad- dressed. Finally, the development trend and fore- ground of ultra hydrophobic surface are discussed.
Ultra hydrophobic surfaces take on better hydrophobicity and exhibit a water contact angle larger than 150°. In this paper the ultra hydrophobicity is analyzed and common fabrication methods are summarized in detail. The applications of micro topography in both the fabrication of hydrophobic surface and the experiments of drag reduction are addressed. Finally, the development trend and foreground of ultra hydrophobic surface are discussed.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50475018).
ultra hydrophobicity, contact angle, surface topography, drag reduction.