目的自然杀伤细胞2D(NKG2D)是一种重要的激活性受体,参与全身炎症反应及免疫应答。NKG2D 蛋白功能及其基因的特定位置均提示 NKG2D 基因可能是溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的一个理想候选基因,本研究旨在检测 NKG2D 基因多态性与中国浙江地区汉族 UC 患者遗传易感的相关性。方法血样来自浙江地区110例 UC 患者及292例健康对照者。通过 PCR-单链多态性方法直接检测野生型及 NKG2D 基因的2个多态性(NKG2D 10676G/,908A/)。结果在 UC 患者中908A 的等位基因频率为19.1%,在健康对照者中为16.3%,两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。而无论是UC 患者或健康者均未能发现10676G 的杂合子或纯合子。结论我们没有发现 NKG2D 基因多态性与汉族 UC 患者遗传易感性相关。更大样本的队列研究、分层分析、全基因测序有助于明确 NKG2D基因在 UC 发病过程中的作用。
Objective Nature killer cell 2D (NKG2D) is an important activated cytokine that has been implicated in the inflammatory reaction and immune response. The function and the location of NKG2D gene show it is an ideal susceptibility gene to ulcerative colitis (UC). We evaluated the NKG2D gene polymorphisms in patients of Zhejiang province to determine whether the gene is associated with susceptibility to UC in Chinese Han population. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 110 patients with UC and 292 healthy controls in Zhejiang location. Genotyping for 2 common NKG2D (10676G/, 908A./) polymorphisms was carried out using polymerase chain sequence with specific primer. Results NKG2D was not associated with disease (908A allele frequency patients 19.1% vs controls 16. 3 % ,P 〉 0. 05 ). None of the patients with UC had 10676G heterozygous or homozygous variants. Similarly none of the health controls. Conclusions The common variants in NKG2D are not associated with UC in the Chinese Han population. Research of larger sample's queue, analysis from different layer and DNA sequence will help to determine the function of NKG2D in the process of UC.
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine