
人兴奋状态的EEG模型及兴奋时的脑区定位 被引量:2

Human Excited Electroencephalogram Model and Its Location in Brain
摘要 本研究目的是确定人兴奋时的脑波特征及兴奋发生源在脑区的解剖位置,通过饮用定量的咖啡使人摄入咖啡因形成兴奋,同时用128导联数字脑电系统采集EEG(E lectroencepha logram)信号,与未饮用咖啡之前的安静状态的EEG信号进行功率谱比对。发现两者之间有明显的区别,表现出人在兴奋时的脑波特征是10 H z以下的低频成分受到明显抑制,同时高频处产生一个38 H z的波峰,高度在200左右。利用A SA源分析软件对兴奋的发生源区域进行定位,发现兴奋的发生区域集中在脑桥腹侧正中下部的区域。 The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of human excited electroencephalogram and the excited location in brain. The subjects were excited by taking a fixed quantity of caffeine. Electroencephalographic signals were collected using with 128 channels Phoenix Digital EEG and compared before and after the subjects drank coffee. The results showed obvious differences and compared with the ones before being excited electroencephalogram. After being excited we found that the lower frequency composition was restrained in the region below 10 Hz, the high frequency composition was increased significantly,and a wave crest of 38 Hz was produced in every acquisition point with the height around 200. Then the excited region was located in brain with the software of ASA 3 Course (designed by ANT company of Germany) and found that the excited location was focused on the area of the middle abdomen in the pons' side near bulbar when a person was exciting.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期929-933,共5页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30350003) 天津市科技发展计划资助项目(043102111)
关键词 兴奋 兴奋发生源 EEG特征 Excitation Excited location Electroencephalogram
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