报告1例以瘙痒及丘疹样发疹、腹痛为主要表现的儿童艾滋病。患儿男,10岁,学生。全身泛发皮疹伴顽固性瘙痒2年,右上腹痛1个月。其母妊娠中有输血史。体检:消瘦,腹股沟淋巴结、肝脾触及肿大。皮肤科情况:全身皮肤干燥,可见片状脱屑,散在灰褐色斑丘疹,部分干裂、脱屑,伴有米粒大小水疱,部分水疱破溃,有少量淡黄色液体渗出。面部皮肤干燥,眼、鼻、口周可见皮屑及裂纹。口腔黏膜及外生殖器未见损害。H IV抗体检测初筛及确证试验(+)。诊断:儿童艾滋病。建议患者到当地疾控中心进行治疗。
Objective We reported an AIDS child patient with rash,itching and bellyache as a main presenting sign. A 10- years-old boy was referred to our department because of generalized rash with refractoriness pruritus for a period of 2 years and right upper quadrant pain for 1 month. His mother had a history of blood transfusion when she was pregnancied. Physical examination: weight-loss,splenohepatomegalia,enlarged lymph nodes were found in the areas of groin. Dermatology conditions:All of his body looked like xeroderma,lamellar desquamating,moth patch, vesicle and exudate were sawn. His fascial skins were arescent, dander and crack were found on eyes,nose and mouth. No lesions were found on oral mucosa or aedea. His serum human immunodificiency virus (HIV) antibody prescreening and confirmatory test was positive. Diagnose:Child AIDS. The boy was suggested to treat in the local center for disease control institution after finial diagnosis.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology