The increasing number of XML repositories has stimulated the design of systems that can store and query XML data efficiently. OrientX, a native XML database sys tern, is designed to meet this requirement. In this paper, we described the system structure and design of OrientX, an integrated, schema-based native XML database. The main contributions of OrientX are: a)We have implemented an integrated native XML database system, which supports native storage of XML data, and based on it we can handle XPath& XQuery efficiently; b)In our OrientX system, schema information is fully explored to guide the storage, optimization and query processing.
The increasing number of XML repositories has stimulated the design of systems that can store and query XML data efficiently. OrientX, a native XML database sys tern, is designed to meet this requirement. In this paper, we described the system structure and design of OrientX, an integrated, schema-based native XML database. The main contributions of OrientX are: a)We have implemented an integrated native XML database system, which supports native storage of XML data, and based on it we can handle XPath& XQuery efficiently; b)In our OrientX system, schema information is fully explored to guide the storage, optimization and query processing.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China (60573091 ,60273018)