
FICW: Frequent Itemset Based Text Clustering with Window Constraint

FICW: Frequent Itemset Based Text Clustering with Window Constraint
摘要 Most of the existing text clustering algorithms overlook the fact that one document is a word sequence with semantic information. There is some important semantic information existed in the positions of words in the sequence. In this paper, a novel method named Frequent Itemset-based Clustering with Window (FICW) was proposed, which makes use of the semantic information for text clustering with a window constraint. The experimental results obtained from tests on three (hypertext) text sets show that FICW outperforms the method compared in both clustering accuracy and efficiency. Most of the existing text clustering algorithms overlook the fact that one document is a word sequence with semantic information. There is some important semantic information existed in the positions of words in the sequence. In this paper, a novel method named Frequent Itemset-based Clustering with Window (FICW) was proposed, which makes use of the semantic information for text clustering with a window constraint. The experimental results obtained from tests on three (hypertext) text sets show that FICW outperforms the method compared in both clustering accuracy and efficiency.
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2006年第5期1345-1351,共7页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 Supported by the Natural Science Foundation ofHubei Province(ABA048)
关键词 text clustering frequent itemsets search engine text clustering frequent itemsets search engine
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