

Modeling of synchronization-net-based printing workflow
摘要 引入了一种基于Petri网和C_net的形式化工作流模型———同步网模型,克服了以往用普通petri网建模的不足之处,使模型变得直观、简单、并有利于模型分析和仿真实现。结合印刷企业的业务流程,讨论了该模型的具体应用,并对该模型的正确性进行了验证。 Synchronization net model, a formal workflow model based on Petri-net and C_net, was introduced. It conquered the shortages of Petri net-based modeling, and became directly perceptible, and easy to be analyzed and simulated. A case study of print business process was provided to illustrate the application of this method, and to prove its correctness.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期2742-2744,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 同步网 工作流 过程建模 印刷 synchronization net workflow process modeling print
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