

The effect of low dose ionizing radiation on meiotic chromosome non-disjunction of mice
摘要 目的探讨低剂量电离辐射与细胞减数分裂染色体不分离的关系。方法7~8w ICR雌性小鼠经PMGS和hCG促排卵后分别给予不同剂量(〈1.5Gy)及相同剂量不同次数的Cs^137 γ-射线照射后使其与同龄未受照射雄鼠交配,17—19d后取胎鼠的上皮组织进行细胞培养,制备染色体标本并观察、计数。结果母鼠经电离辐射后,子代体细胞中染色体非整倍体率和超二倍体率明显增高,且呈现剂量-相应和次数-相应。结论低剂量电离辐射是引起卵细胞染色体不分离的重要环境因子。 Objective : To explore the relationship between ionizing radiation and meiotic chromosome non - disjunction. Methods : The female mice aged 7 -8 weeks were treated under low dose of Cs^137γ -ray before fertilization , the cells of embryo were cultured and metaphase chromosome number was measured and statistically analyzed. Results: The rate of meiosis chromosome non - disjunction of the groups under irradiation is higher than that of control group. And the effect is dose - dependent and accumulated. Conclusion: Low dose irradiation can cause meiotic chromosome non- disjunction.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2006年第10期24-25,共2页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
基金 国家自然科学基金资助:30100037
关键词 电离辐射 胚胎 上皮细胞 染色体不分离 Ionizing radiation Chromosome non - disjunction
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