

A RQoS-Based Charging Policy in the Next Generation Network
摘要 为实现下一代网络中基于服务质量的计费,提出了一种基于业务实际获得的服务质量(RQoS)进行计费的策略,对事先协商的计费策略进行了修正,在计费规则中综合考虑用户满意度和运营商的网络资源利润率.仿真结果表明,基于RQoS计费(RQC)策略比固定费率和基于业务类型计费策略具有更高的网络利用率和用户满意度. A charging policy supposing the modification of negotiation policy according to the real QoS (RQoS), which the services actually obtain, is proposed in order to realize the QoS-based charging in next generation network. During the charging process of RQoS policy, the user' s satisfaction and the utilization efficiency of network resource are taken into account. Simulation results show that the policy is superior to the traditional flat-rate and ToS-based charging policy on the utilization of the networks and the satisfaction of the users.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期35-39,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 北京市教委共建项目(SYS100130422)
关键词 下一代网络 服务质量 计费 next generation network quality of service charging
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