目的:探讨腰椎间盘突出症术后并发重症腰椎间盘炎的治疗方法。方法:2002年2月 ̄2005年10月采用经后路椎间病灶清除、椎间颗粒状骨植骨融合、椎弓根内固定治疗腰椎间盘突出术后并发重症腰椎间盘炎9例。结果:术后当天腰背肌痉挛性疼痛立即缓解,随诊8 ̄29个月,平均19个月,所有患者腰腿痛消失,椎间隙均达骨性融合。结论:经后路椎间病灶清除,椎间颗粒状植骨、椎弓根内固定治疗术后重症椎间盘炎能清除感染源及炎性介质,迅速解除腰腿痛,缩短疗程,早期活动,椎间融合率高,重建了脊柱稳定性。
Objective:To find the way of treatment of severe postoperative discitis.Method:From Feb,2002 to Oet,2005,9 cases of the severe postoperative discitis were treated with posterior debridement of the renmant disc,the interbody granular grafts,and the interbody compression fusion using pedicle screw system.Result:The patients had remarkable improvement of their severe hack pain only in 1-3 days after surgery,The 9 eases were followed up for 8-29 months.All patients' back and leg pain was relieved and a good lumhar fusion was achieved.Conclusion:The surgery of posterior debridement of the remnant disc and interhody compressive fusion by pediele screws is able to clear away the infective focus and inflammatory medium and achieve a high rate of the interbody fuslon,and reconstruct spinal stability,so it has the advantages of speedily relieving back paln,cuttlng the course of the treatment,moving early and so on.
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord