
黄河下游滩区淹没损失估算研究 被引量:1

Estimation of inundation loss of flood plain areas in lower reaches of the Yellow River
摘要 通过典型调查取得滩区社会经济指标和洪水淹没损失指标,计算滩区耕地亩均产值和洪水淹没损失率,并根据预估的不同量级洪水淹没面积,估算不同量级洪水淹没损失,为制定黄河下游滩区补偿标准和执行补偿政策的决策提供依据。 Social and economic index and flood inundation loss index are worked out by means of typical survey, Calculation is made on the production value per mu of cultivated land and loss of flood inundation. Flood inundation losses of varied floods are calculated on the basis of inundation areas of varied predicted floods, which provide a base for decision making on compensation standard and policy-making for flood plain areas in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.
出处 《中国水利》 2006年第18期16-18,共3页 China Water Resources
关键词 滩区 淹没损失率 补偿 黄河下游 flood plain area loss rate of inundation compensation lower reaches of the Yellow River
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