国内外就多花菜豆(Phaseolus coccineus Lam)繁育系统的研究没有统一的定论,以Darwin.Free等的主流学者认为多花菜豆白花传粉结实率极低,是通过蜜蜂等虫媒参与传粉的异花传粉植物;然而Mummers的研究却表明蜜蜂并没有作用,它完全能进行白花传粉。多花菜豆是重要的出口创汇作物,生产中出现品种退化,产量及品质不断下降的现象。常规育种手段又难以保持所选育品系的特性。究其根源,是对多花菜豆繁育系统的认识有待进一步研究。因此,需要进一步研究明确多花菜豆的繁育系统,即在自然状况下占据支配地位的传粉机制和交配系统,从而促进云南省多花菜豆新品种的选育及良种繁殖等,促进其生产的发展和出口创汇。
There is no unified conclusion on runner bean's breeding system: Darwin, Free etc. main stream scientists think that self pollination of runner bean is rather low but relies on the insect's cress pollination; whereas, Mommer reports that insects like bees have no effect on its pollination and it can be self pollinated completely. Runner bean is one of the key export crops in China, while its yielding and commercial quality decline constantly owning to genetic depression. Classical selection can not solve this problem due to limited understandings of runner bean's breeding system which depends on how to keep uniform of breeding lines. Therefore, further research on runner bean's breeding system is required otherwise it is hard to break through on runner bean's breeding and seed production.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences