
新疆蒙古族胆固醇酯转运蛋白基因多态性与高脂血症的关系 被引量:3

Relationship between CETP Gene Polymorphism and Hyperlipidemia in Xinjiang Mongolian People
摘要 目的了解胆固醇酯转运蛋白(cholesterol ester transfer protein,CETP)基因多态性与新疆博尔塔拉州(以下简称博州)蒙古族高脂血症的关系。方法对新疆博州556名≥30岁蒙古族人进行血脂谱水平测定及胆固醇酯转运蛋白基因TaqIB(CETP TaqIB)位点多态性检测(PCR-RFLP方法)。结果CETP基因TaqIB位点B1B1、B1B2、B282基因型频率分别为27.2%、54.9%、17.9%,其等位基因B1、B2频率分别为54.6%、45.4%,与欧美白种人、黄种人相近;高脂血症与血脂正常人群CETP TaqIB位点基因型构成差异无显著性;单纯高甘油三脂血症人群B1B1基因型构成增加,B282基因型构成减少;B1B1、B1B2、B282基因型的HDL-C呈上升趋势,TG呈下降趋势。结论CETP基因TaqIB位点多态性与新疆博少州蒙古族人群的高脂血症可能有关。 Objective To explore the relationship between CETP gene polymorphism and hyperlipidemia in the Mongolian population in Bortala Prefecture of Xinjiang. Methods The levels- of serum lipid,including TC,TG,HDL-C,LDL-C were analyzed.The polymorphism of CETP gene was detected by PCR RFLP method. Results The genotype frequencies of CETP TaqB B1B1,B1B2,B2B2 were 27.2%, 54.9%, 17.9%, respectively, and the B1,B2 allele frequencies were 54.6%, 45.4%, similar to those of Caucasian and yellow race.There was no significant difference in the distribution of genotypes between the hyperlipidemia and the normalipidemia. The genotype frequencies of B1B1 increased in hypertriglyceridemia. Subjects for the B1B1 genotype had lower HDL-C levels and higher TG than B1B2 and B2B2 subjects.Conclusion CETP gene polymorphism was possibly associated with hyperlipidemia in the Xinjiang Mongolian people.
出处 《医学新知》 CAS 2006年第5期280-282,285,共4页 New Medicine
关键词 胆固醇酯转运蛋白 基因多态性 高脂血症 蒙古族 cholesterolester transfer protein gene polymorphism hyperlipidemia Mongolian group
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