

Robust Fault Diagnosis in Nonlinear Multiple-Time-Delay Uncertain Systems
摘要 提出了一种带有多时滞不确定非线性系统的鲁棒故障诊断方案,非线性与系统输入和输出有关,不确定性包括系统输入和状态等环节;通过构造观测器对状态和输出进行估计,得到具有鲁棒性的阈值;若系统的实际输出与估计输出之差(即残差)超出阈值,说明有故障发生,同时用自适应跟踪器对故障进行跟踪;在理论上证明了该方案的鲁棒性、灵敏度和稳定性。 The paper proposes a robust fault diagnosis in nonlinear multiple - time - delay uncertain systems. Nonlinear is related with inputs and outputs of system. Uncertainties include inputs of system and states, etc. System states and outputs are estimated by technology of designing observer, and method of producing robust threshold is educed. Adaptive tracker is designed to track fault if difference between system outputs and estimated outputs equals or surpasses the threshold. The paper also analyses robustness, sensitivity, stability.
作者 李云
出处 《大庆师范学院学报》 2006年第5期34-37,共4页 Journal of Daqing Normal University
关键词 非线性系统 多时滞 不确定性 鲁棒性 灵敏度 稳定性 故障诊断 解析模型 nonlinear system multiple - time - delay uncertainty robust delicacy stability fault diagnosis
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