Lu2Si2O7: Ce crystal is a recently discovered inorganic scintillator. It is suitable for applications such as PET or oil well logging. Transparent and crackless LPS: Ce crystals have been grown by using the Czochralski method in our lab. We have characterized the scintillation properties of cerium doped lutetium pyrosilicate and discussed its luminescent mechanism. A lot of work has been done on the temperature dependence of the emission spectra under UV excitation and the temperature dependence of the fluorescence lifetimes using a Edinburgh-920 luminescence spectrometer, which will help us to find the optimal working temperature for this crystal. Transmission spectra shows that the absorption cut-off edge of LPS: Ce crystal is 25 nm shorter than LSO : Ce crystal, which widens the transmission range. X-ray induced emission spectra are characteristic of two peaks and the main peak locates at 378 nm, which are consistent with the emission spectra under UV excitation. The temperature dependence of the emission spectra under UV excitation shows two features, the first is luminescence efficiency decreasing strongly when the temperature beyond 375 K, and the second is peak site red shifting when the temperature beyond 425 K. Decay curve follows the single exponential decay law. The decay time is about 34 ns at room temperature under UV excitation. Based on the shapes of the decay curves, two distinct trends are identified. First, below 375 K, the curves are similar to that obtained at room temperature, and the fitting results vary from 32.8 ns to 34 ns. There is a little difference, but it is stable on the whole. In this range, the decay time slightly increases with temperature. Second, beyond 375 K, temperature dependence of the fluorescence lifetimes becomes evident, for example, with the increases of the temperature, the decay time strongly decreases. The decay time shorten to 6.72 ns at 500 K. Luminescence efficiency seems connected to decay time, and they change towards the same direction. Two peaks can be observed in TL curves, approximately situated at 488 and 553 K. Both of them are far above room temperature. No TL glow peaks near room temperature, is suggested to be related to the absence of afterglow in LPS: Ce crystal.
Chinese Journal of Luminescence
scintillation properties
LPS: Ce crystal
transmission spectra
decay curve