
消费者品牌信任机制建立及影响因素的实证研究 被引量:71

An Empirical Study of Brand Trust Building Mechanism and Factors
摘要 诚信危机是现代企业面临的严峻问题,而营销领域关于消费者对品牌信任建立的理论与实证研究还很匮乏。笔者在访谈和文献基础上,将相关领域的机制性研究与前因性研究两种方法相结合,提出了消费者品牌信任建立的三种机制(经验机制、计算机制和转移机制),并探查出能够反映每种机制的五个变量(感知质量、顾客满意、感知风险、经济价值和品牌声誉)。通过在化妆品行业收集的数据,使用结构方程模型分析,结果表明,经验机制和计算机制对建立品牌信任起作用,其中经验机制的作用最大。 Companies are encountering serious trust crisis. But researches on customers' trust in brand are scant both in theoretical and empirical study in marketing field. Based on customer interviews and literature review, this paper combines two methods to put forward three mechanisms (experiential mechanism, calculative mechanism and transferred mechanism), and explores five variables (perceived quality, customer satisfaction, perceived risk, economic value and brand reputation) to reflect the three mechanisms. Data from cosmetic industry shows that experiential mechanism and calculative mechanism affect customer in building trust in a certain brand. Therein, experiential mechanism is most powerful.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2006年第5期28-35,共8页 Nankai Business Review
关键词 品牌信任 顾客满意 感知质量 感知风险 Brand Trust Customer Satisfaction Perceived Quality Perceived Risk
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