不同烟草类型种子萌发期淀粉酶及糖类物质动态测定结果表明,无论是烤烟种子还是白肋烟种子,在萌发期间淀粉酶活性,可溶性总糖、还原糖含量及呼吸强度都随萌发进程呈上升趋势,虽各有起伏,但淀粉酶活性,可溶性总糖、还原糖含量高值期均在168 h,呼吸强度高值期均在96 h;可溶性总糖的快速增长期稍滞后于淀粉酶活性的提高,而还原糖的快速增长期早于可溶性总糖;不同烟草类型种子有区别,各测定指标的峰值K 326>TN 86,淀粉酶活性与可溶性总糖、还原糖含量间极显著正相关,相关性K 326>TN 86,呼吸强度与淀粉酶活性、还原糖含量间极显著正相关,相关性TN 86>K 326。
The amylase and sugars trends of different type tobacco seed at germination time were determined, the result indicated that at the germination time the amylase activity, soluble total sugar, reduce sugar content and respiratory intensity of flue-cured tobacco and Burley tobacco seed went up and the amylase activity, soluble total sugar, reduce sugar content reached maximizing at 168 h, respiratory intensity at 96 h. The quick increase period of soluble total sugar lagged behind the amylase activity improvement, however the quick increase period of reduce sugar was earlier than that of soluble total sugar. The different type tobacco seed was different, the peak value of each determined target was K 326 〉 TN 86, the amylase activity was soluble total sugar, reduce sugar content was extreme significant positive correlation with the content of soluble total sugar and reduce sugar,the correlation was K 326 〉 TN 86. The respiratory intensity was extreme significant positive correlation with the amylase activity and the reduce sugar content, the correlation was TN 86 〉 K 326.