
循环内皮细胞和放射性神经损伤的关系 被引量:1

The Relationship between Radiation-induced Brain Injury and Circulating Endothial Cells in Rats
摘要 背景与目的:放射性神经损伤是影响头颈部肿瘤放疗后生存质量的重要因素。本研究探讨大鼠不同剂量脑照射后不同时期神经行为和循环内皮细胞(circulatingendothelialcellsCECs)数量的变化。方法:108只SD大鼠信封法随机分成3组,用60Co单次照射大鼠脑,A组为空白对照组,B组为10Gy组,C组为30Gy组。Morris水迷宫分别对照射后7天、1个月和6个月的大鼠进行神经行为检测,水迷宫试验结束后心脏取血计数CECs。结果:照射7天后,3组大鼠Morris水迷宫的游泳潜伏期、平台象限时间、穿过平台区域次数比较无差异;照射1个月和6个月后Morris水迷宫B、C组较A组及C组较B组潜伏期延长,平台象限时间缩短,穿过平台区域次数减少,差异有统计学意义;CECs数量在1周和1个月时B、C组较A组及C组较B组有明显增高,差异有统计学意义,6个月时3组CECs数量之间无差异。在B组和C组1周时CECs数量和6个月时潜伏期相关(rB=0.97,rC=0.95)。结论:循环内皮细胞数量改变与损伤严重程度相关。 BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Radiation induced brain injury has become one the most important problems affecting quality of life for the patients with head & neck tumors who received radiation therapy. This study was designed to investigate the neurobehavior and the circulating endothelial cells(CECs) changes at the difference time after brain irradiation in rats. METHODS: One hundred and eight rats were randomly assigned into 3 groups: A was control group, B was irradiated by ^60Co at a single dose of 10Gy on the encephalon of rats, C was radiation induced brain injury with 30Gy. The neurobehavioral changes were observed by Morris water labyrinth in 7 days, 1 month and 6 months, respectively, after irradiation. The CECs that were isolated from right ventricular blood were counted after Morris water maze test. RESULT:At the 7th day after irradiation, the swim lantency, the time of swim in the platform quadrant, the times of swim through the plateau region were the same in 3 groups. However, 1 month and 6 months after irradiation, the swim lantency was longer in irradiation groups (group C 〉B 〉A,P〈0.05 ). The time of swim in the platform quadrant,the times of swim through the plateau region were also significantly different in these groups (group A 〉B 〉C, P〈0.05). At the 7th day and 1 month after irradiation, the CECs were significandy different in these groups (group A 〉B 〉C, P〈0.05), while after 6 months, there was no difference in 3 groups. In group B and C,the CECs in 1 week were correlated the swim lantency in 6 months (rB=0.966, rC=0.95, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The CECs were correlated with radiation induced brain injury.
出处 《中国神经肿瘤杂志》 2006年第3期205-208,共4页 Chinese Journal of Neuro-Oncology
关键词 放射性脑损伤 神经行为 大鼠 循环内皮细胞 Radiation-induced braininjury Neurobehavior Rat Circulating endothelial cells (CECs)
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