BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: Radiation induced brain injury has become one the most important problems affecting quality of life for the patients with head & neck tumors who received radiation therapy. This study was designed to investigate the neurobehavior and the circulating endothelial cells(CECs) changes at the difference time after brain irradiation in rats. METHODS: One hundred and eight rats were randomly assigned into 3 groups: A was control group, B was irradiated by ^60Co at a single dose of 10Gy on the encephalon of rats, C was radiation induced brain injury with 30Gy. The neurobehavioral changes were observed by Morris water labyrinth in 7 days, 1 month and 6 months, respectively, after irradiation. The CECs that were isolated from right ventricular blood were counted after Morris water maze test. RESULT:At the 7th day after irradiation, the swim lantency, the time of swim in the platform quadrant, the times of swim through the plateau region were the same in 3 groups. However, 1 month and 6 months after irradiation, the swim lantency was longer in irradiation groups (group C 〉B 〉A,P〈0.05 ). The time of swim in the platform quadrant,the times of swim through the plateau region were also significantly different in these groups (group A 〉B 〉C, P〈0.05). At the 7th day and 1 month after irradiation, the CECs were significandy different in these groups (group A 〉B 〉C, P〈0.05), while after 6 months, there was no difference in 3 groups. In group B and C,the CECs in 1 week were correlated the swim lantency in 6 months (rB=0.966, rC=0.95, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The CECs were correlated with radiation induced brain injury.
Chinese Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Radiation-induced braininjury
Circulating endothelial cells (CECs)