
颈椎小关节囊的神经支配及其临床意义 被引量:6

The fluorescent trace study of the dual innervation of cervical facet joint capsule
摘要 目的:研究颈椎小关节囊的神经支配来源及其通路,为阐明小关节损伤后弥漫性头颈肩部疼痛的机制及其治疗提供依据。方法:39只SD雄性大鼠,分为颈交感神经未切除组(A组,18只)、切除组(B组,18只)及对照组(C组,3只),A、B组分别于C1-2、C3-4或C5-6(各6只大鼠)小关节囊内注射5%双苯甲亚胺(Bb)0.6μl,C组注射等量生理盐水。8h后检查各组C1~C8脊神经节(DRG)和交感神经节(SG)的荧光标记细胞,并作统计学分析。结果:A组脊神经节和交感神经节内均可见到荧光标记细胞,其中,C1-2和C3-4关节囊内注射组的C1~C8DRG内有Bb(+)细胞,C5-6关节囊内注射组的C3~C8DRG内可见Bb(+)细胞;B组注射节段和相邻节段Bb(+)细胞无明显减少,但远节段的Bb(+)细胞明显减少;C组未见Bb(+)细胞。结论:颈椎小关节囊神经支配来源于感觉和交感神经系统,脊神经节和交感神经节间有神经纤维联系,在临床上阻断脊神经和交感神经有可能缓解患者的头颈肩痛症状。 Objective:To investigate the innervation pattern of the cervical facet joint capsule and their pathways in order to clarify the causes of diffuse neck pain,headache and shoulder pain,and provide a basis for therapy after facet joint lesions.Method:39 male Sprague-Dawley rats were used.5% Bisbenzimide (Bb) were injected into the C1-2,C3-4 and C5-6 facet joints in sympathectomy and nonsympathectomy group,numt)ers of the labeled neurons in dorsal root ganglions(DRGs) from C1 to C8 and sympathetic ganglions(SG) were counted.Result:Neurons labeled with Bb were present in both DRGs and SG,in C1-2 and C3-4 group labeled neurons were present from C1-C8 DRGs while in C5-6 group that is from C3-CS.The number of Bb (+3 neurons after sympathectomy was not significantly different in injected level from that in the groups without sympathetomy,but in the other levels Bb(+) neurons was significantly less than that without sympathetomy.Conclusion:The innervation of the cervical facet joint capsule is derived from the both sensory and sympathetic nervous system,DRGs are associated with SG through nerve fibers.Blockade of other spinal nerves or sympathetic ganglions is possibly effective for patients with facet disorders.
出处 《中国脊柱脊髓杂志》 CAS CSCD 2006年第9期688-690,I0003,共4页 Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord
关键词 颈椎 背根神经节 交感神经节 关节突关节 荧光示踪 大鼠 Dorsal root ganglions Sympathetic ganglions Cervical facet joints Fluorescent trace Rat
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