
双靶磁控溅射聚焦共沉积AlN薄膜生长速率研究 被引量:2

Growth Rate of AlN Thin Films Deposited by Direct Current Dual Targets Magnetron Sputtering Co-deposition
摘要 采用直流双靶磁控溅射聚焦共沉积技术在Fe衬底上高速率生长A lN薄膜,结果表明,双靶共沉积技术有效地提高了A lN薄膜生长速率,相同工作气压或低N2浓度时双靶磁控溅射沉积速率约为单靶沉积速率的2倍;随着溅射系统内工作气压或N2浓度的升高,薄膜生长速率不断减小;薄膜择优取向与薄膜生长速率相互影响,随着工作气压的升高,(100)晶面的择优生长减缓了薄膜生长速率的降低,随着N2浓度的升高,(002)晶面的择优生长加剧了薄膜生长速率的降低,而相对较低的溅射沉积速率有利于(002)晶面择优取向生长。 Aluminium nitride (AlN) thin films with high growth rate were synthesized on Fe substrate by DC dual targets reactive magnetron sputtering co-deposition. Results reveal that DC dual targets magnetron sputtering co-deposition enhances the growth rate of AlN thin films greatly and it is two times higher than the films growth rate of the single target at the same working pressure or low N2 concentration. The growth rate decreases with increasing of working pressure and N2 concentration. It is also found that the growth rate of AlN thin films has a close relationship with the plane preferential orientation. On the one hand, the preferential orientations of (100) plane slow the reduction of films growth rate with increasing of working pressure and the preferential orientation of (002) plane accelerates the reduction of films growth rate with increasing N2 concentration. On the other hand, the degree of the (002) preferential orientation is better when the films growth rate is lower.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期1141-1145,1150,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
关键词 ALN薄膜 共沉积 生长速率 磁控溅射 择优取向 AlN thin films co-deposition growth rate magnetron sputtering preferential orientation
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