
癫痫所致精神障碍患者的犯罪学特征研究 被引量:1

Criminological characteristics of patients with mental disorder due to epilepsy
摘要 目的探讨法医精神病学鉴定中癫痫所致精神障碍患者的犯罪学特征。方法采用自编法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表,对98例癫痫所致精神障碍患者的犯罪学特征进行研究。依据CCMD-3划分为精神病性症状组(51例,52.04%)、人格改变组(42例,42.65%)和智能障碍组(5例,5.31%),并对精神病性症状组与人格改变组犯罪学特征对照分析。结果癫痫所致精神障碍患者违法犯罪者以未婚、青年男性农民为主。其犯罪学特征主要是被鉴定人与被害人双方关系一般(44.9%),无作案前预谋(53.1%),作案目标临时确定(69.4%),使用暴力手段(88.8%),无明显作案诱因(67.3%),作案目的以报复居多(40.4%),现实作案动机(42.9%),作案结果既遂(89.8%),作案次数以1次为主(88.8%),作案类型以凶杀(46.9%)为主,作案后多无自称遗忘(65.3%),作案后多以停留现场、不潜逃等非反侦查表现(57.1%)为主。精神病性症状组和人格改变组在作案预谋(χ2=27.64)、作案目的(χ2=13.0386)、作案动机(χ2=23.5290)和作案后表现(χ2=19.3591)方面的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.005),作案目的以报复为主、作案动机以现实动机为主。结论癫痫所致精神障碍患者的犯罪学特征有多以无作案前预谋,多以报复为主要目的,作案后多无反侦查表现。与以精神病性症状为主要表现者相比,以人格改变为主要表现者多在现实动机下以报复为主要目的进行作案,因此在法医精神病学鉴定时应予重视。 Objective To explore the criminological characteristics of patients with mental disorder due to epilepsy in forensic psychiatry assessment. Methods The criminological characteristics of 98 patients with mental disorder due to epilepsy were researched through the record of forensic psychiatry assessment designed by ourselves and patients with mental disorder were divided into 3 groups according to CCMD-3, psychotic symptom group (51 cases , 52.04% ),personality change group (42 cases,42.65%) and intelligence impairment group (5 cases, 5.31%). The criminological characteristics between the psychotic symptom group and the personality change group were researched by control analysis. Results Majority of patients with mental disorder due to epilepsy who committed crimes were unmarried young male farmers, relationship between the two sides were usual(44.9%),they usually did not have plans before the offence(53, l%),the offence targets were determined temporarily(69.4%),most of the offence were violence (88.8%) with no distinguished incentive(67.3%),the offence aims were mainly revenge(40.4%) and the offence motives were realistic (42.9%), the offence results were successful (89.8%)and the offence number was usually only one (88.8%), the offence type was mainly homicide(46.9%)and they often did not state that they forgot it after the offence(65.3%)and stayed at the offence scene rather than anti-detection behaviors such as escape (57.1%).In addition, the differences between psychotic symptom group and personality change group were significant in statistics (P 〈 0.005)in the offence plan (X^2=27.64), offence aim (X^2=13.0386), offence motives(X^2=23.5290)and performances after the offence(X^2=19.3591 ).Their offence aims were mainly revenge, offence motives were realistic. Conclusion The main criminological characteristics of patients with mental disorder due to epilepsy was that for most of them there were no plans before the offence, homicide with revenge as its main aim, and without anti-detection behaviors after offence. Compared with patients with psychotic symptom as their main symptoms, those with personality change usually took offence with revenge as their main aim under the realistic motives, so more attentions should be paid in forensic psychiatric assessment.
出处 《法律与医学杂志》 2006年第3期230-234,共5页 Journal of Law & Medicine
关键词 癫痫 癫痫所致精神障碍 刑事责任能力 犯罪学特征 Epilepsy Mental disorder due to epilepsy Capacity of criminal responsibility Criminological characteristics
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