

The study status of mesenchymal stem cell preventing graft-versus-host disease
摘要 间充质干细胞(MSC)为中胚层发育的早期细胞,是不同于造血干细胞的另一类具有自我更新和多向分化潜能的干细胞,不具有免疫原性,MSC可能通过分泌可溶性因子,如TGF-β1,IL-10等,影响抗原提呈细胞(APC)的成熟,调节异基因免疫细胞反应等机制抑制T细胞的活化和增生,从而减少异基因造血干细胞移植后移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)的发生。 Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) is the early cell from mesoblast, which possess the ability of self-renewal and differentiating into many cell lineages different from the hematopoitic stem cell. MSC has no immunogenicity and can inhibit T-cell activation , in turn reduce the incidence and severity of graft-versushost disease(GVHD) after the allogeneic hematopoiesis stem cells transplantation, the mechanism remained to be investigated, probably by secreting a solute factor, such as TGF-β1, IL-10 and so on, aberrant antigen-presenting cell (APC) maturation, modulating allogeneie immune cell responses et al.
出处 《白血病.淋巴瘤》 CAS 2006年第5期395-397,共3页 Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
关键词 间充质干细胞 移植物抗宿主病 Mesenchymal stem cell Graft-versus-host disease
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