
我国预防医学文献作者和引文统计分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the author's Status and Citations of Preventive Medicine Papers in China
摘要 以中国预防医学16种期刊1989—1993年为样本数据源,根据文献计量学原理,应用数理统计学方法,分别对其论文著者群及高产著者的分布、著者合著现象;引文数量、语种、类型、学科的分布;核心期刊的测定;期刊的自引率、互引车、影响因子、引用指数、情报能力值以及引文时序分布、最大引用年限、衰减系数等进行了量化分析;应用数学模型测定出引文半衰期,得出我国预防医学文献利用的现状与规律和有关机构科技论文的产出现状。 Tang Hong. Analysis of Author's Status and Citations of Preventive Medicine Papers in China. Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1996, 7 (4): 7--11 Author's address: Nanchong Shunqing Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station, Jie Fang Jie 28, Nanchong, Sichuan Province 637000, P. R. China Recieved: 1995--02--22 Revised: 1995--12--05 The Papers published in 16 Chinese journal of preventive medicine during 1989--1993 were analyzed. The results indicated that single authors concentrated in the articles on preventive medicine. The health institutions and medical colleges in each province published about 46.65% and 32.09% of all papers respectivly. The rates of joint authors and their affiliations were 84.33% and 33.82% and those of single authors and their affiliations 3.89 and 1.45 respectively. About 5.58 citations on the average were quoted in each paper in preventive medicine. Citations were mainly from medical periodicals mostly in English and Chinese. They accounted for 72.30% of the total citations. Preventive medicine accounted for 55.95% of the total citations. The impact factor, citation rate, information value, and self-citation rate of the periodicals in preventive medicine were 0. 054, 0. 019, 10. 438 and 7.8% respectively. It is sugested that 11 journals in chinese and 28 in English are the core periodicals in preventive medicine. It was found that the papers in Chinese or English can be cited for 18 and 25 years. Retrospectively, the highest citation period was within 4 --6 years, the attenuation rate was 27.4%, and the half of the papers in chinese was 3.9 years.
作者 唐鸿
出处 《中国科技期刊研究》 1996年第4期7-11,共5页 Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
关键词 引文分析 核心期刊 文献老化 文献计量学 preventive medical journals information author's status analysis of citations core periodicals obsolescence of documents
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