
Rashba效应影响下InAs/GaAs自组织量子点中极化子性质 被引量:3

Influence of Rashba Spin-orbit Interactionin InAs/GaAs Self-organization Quantum Dots
摘要 考虑Rashab自旋—轨道相互作用对半导体量子点中极化子基态能量的影响.采用LLP中耦合的方法处理了电子—声子相互作用.结果表明由于Rashba效应的影响使得极化子的基态能量分列为上下两支而且Rashba自旋—轨道相互作用能与总的基态能及其它能量成分间的比例关系,随电子波矢K变化非常显著.Rashba自旋—轨道相互用作使得量子点中极化子基态能量在无任何外磁场的情况下发生分裂,所以完全不同于强磁场影响下的简单Zeeman效应,然而,自旋—轨道相互作用引起的分裂有时掺杂着Zeeman分裂,因此它引起的分裂属于复杂分裂.声子对总能量的贡献为负,由于声子的存在极化子争裂能较裸电子更为稳定. Influence of Rashba Spin - orbit interaction in InAs self - organization quantum dots Is investigated by considering the Rashba Spin - orbit (SO) interaction with Lee - Low - Pines intermediate coupling method, Our numerical results show that the Rashba SO interaction in InAs self - organization quantum dots splits the ground state energy of the polaron into branches. The electron vector dependence of the ratio of SO interaction to the total ground state energy or other energy composition is obvious and the splitting energy has the same magnitude as the contribution of the polaron, so it can not be neglected. One can see that even without any external magnetic field, the ground state energy can be splited by Rashba SO interaction, and this split is not simple butcomplecated. Since the present of the phonons, whose energy gives negative contribution to the polaron' s, the spin- splitting states of the polaron are more stable than electron's.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第5期481-484,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10347004)
关键词 半导体量子点 极化子 Rashba自旋-轨道相互作用 Semiconductor quantum dots Polaron Rashba spin - orbit interaction
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