The association of lead iodide complex anion and crystal violet (a basic organic dye) is studied. In the presence of some special surfactants such as Arabic gum, polyvinyl alcohol or their mixture, the associated ion is soluble in water, accompanied with very sensitive color change. Its absorption peak lies in 530μm and apparent molar absorption coeffi- cient is up to 1.3×10~5. Lead will obey Beer's Law in the range of 0-12 μg/25 mL. The preferable pH is 1.5-2.0. Most of the metal ions have no interference on the determin- ation. Ferric ion must be reduced to its lower valence with ascorbic acid and the other metal ions such as Cu^(2+), Hg^(2+), Ag^+, Bi^(3+), Sn^(2+) and Sb^(3+) can be masked by ascorbic acid-thiourea and phosphoric acid-sodium dihydrogen phosphate. However, Cd^(2+) and ClO_4^- have serious effects on the determination so that care must be taken when they exist. This method has been used in the determination of micro lead in zinc plating bath, and proved to be satisfact- ory.
Electroplating & Pollution Control