
β-内酰胺类抗生素残留免疫分析研究进展 被引量:4

Research Advance on Immunoassay Application of β-lactam Antibiotics Residue
摘要 β-内酰胺类抗生素是广谱抗菌药物,具有杀菌活性强、毒副作用小等特点,在兽医临床上应用广泛,其在畜产品中残留也日趋严重。作者对β-内酰胺类抗生素人工抗原合成、抗体制备以及近年来报道的β-内酰胺类抗生素残留免疫分析方法进行了综述。 β-lactam antibiotics are one kind of drugs with wide antimicrobial spectrum. They have a strong antimicrobial activity and little toxic effect. So, they were used in veterinarv clinical widely, and their residues in the foods of animals were more serious then before, In this paper, we review the β-lactarn antibiotics complete antigen's synthesization and antibody's preparation, and the immunological detection methods.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 2006年第10期61-64,共4页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 呼和浩特市科技局资助项目(2003-1-农社-02)
关键词 Β-内酰胺类抗生素 残留 检测 β-lactam antibiotics residue detection
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