
稀土钙钛矿型复合氧化物催化剂研究现状(Ⅱ) 被引量:2

Research Development of Rare Earth Perovskite-type Compound Oxide Catalyst(Ⅱ)
摘要 综述了近年来国内外稀土钙钛矿型复合氧化物的研究进展,研究了ABO3稀土钙钛矿型催化剂对各种气体的催化效果及反应机理,并讨论了催化剂的S与P的中毒机理。对稀土钙钛矿型催化剂的优缺点以及当前需要解决的问题进行了分析。 The paper summarizes the up - to - date research advancement of rare earth perovskite - type compound oxides at nome ano abroad, the catalytic properties and results of perovskite - type oxides are studied, and disscused the mechanisms poisoned by S and P gases, And the merits and defects of these rare earth perovskite - type catalysts and the solutions of problems encountered currently are analyzed.
出处 《陶瓷》 CAS 2006年第10期7-8,19,共3页 Ceramics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(50276017) 广东省科技攻关项目(2005B10301026)
关键词 钙钛矿型复合氧化物 催化 机理 氧化 Perovskite - type compound oxide Catalysis Mechanisms Oxidation
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