

A study on the development stralegy of industry cluster in rural area of Guanzhong region
摘要 目的在产业集群和区域经济发展相互影响的基础上,分析关中农村地区产业集群的萌芽状况,研究产业集群对区域经济的重要推动作用及其未来发展战略。方法运用区域经济学发展理论和城镇化等相关理论,研究产业集群区域经济发展的相互关系。结果产业集群已经在关中农村地区初步萌芽并发挥了重要作用。结论以产业集群为关中农村地区经济发展的根本发展战略,促进区域经济发展水平。 Aim On the base of the interactive theroy between industry cluster and region development to analyze the industry cluster germinations in the rural area of Guanzhong region, both the important effects to regional econemy, and the development strategy. Methods With industrial economic theroies, regional economic theroies, and others related theroies make clear the relationship between industry cluster and region development. Results The developing level of the regional economy is directly related to the development of industr cluster. Conclusion The regional economic development has been accelerated. The industry cluster has been set up as the basic guidelines in developing the rurae area of Guanzhong.
出处 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期843-846,共4页 Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(401010008)
关键词 产业集群 农村地区 陕西关中地区 industry cluster the rural area Guanzhong area Shaanxi
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