
基于密度树的P2P视频流多播 被引量:1

P2P Scheme for the Media Stream Multicast Based on Density Tree
摘要 应用层多播技术是互联网研究的一个重要方向.本文提出一种新的应用层多播模型DHCM,该模型采用改进的IHC算法,对cluster的密度进行层次划分,通过组建一个密度树实现最短路由,并把peer-to-peer技术用在数据传输上,最终把视频服务器的内容分发到密度树上的各个主机,实现应用层多播.这种密度层次划分的cluster满足单调性和同构性.实验证明DHCM可以在视频流传输上具有高效性和健壮性. Currently IP multicast copies and transmits data in router so that it cannot meet the demand for its disadvantages, and it is a trend that multicast is realized through route selection at end hosts. This paper has proposed a new model of application level multicast named DHCM (Density-based Hierarchical Clustering Multicast)which has improved IHC arithmetic. DHCM divides the hosts into many hierarchies according to their density, and constructs a density tree to realize the shortest routing. The tree delivers the content of video server to each host in density tree and uses a p2p scheme in data transmission. By this way the application-level multicast has been realized. This density tree has the homogeneity and monotonic properties. The experiment result has proved that DHCM can transmit the video stream efficiently and robustly.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期2020-2024,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60373088)资助
关键词 应用层多播 集群 密度树 P2P application level multicast clustering density-based hierarchical tree Peer-to-peer
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