
四苯基苯基多乙烯基硅油对高温硫化硅橡胶耐辐射性能的影响 被引量:5

Effects of polyvinyltetraphenylphenylsiloxane on the radiation resistance of heat curable silicone rubber
摘要 通过Diels-Alder反应合成了四苯基苯基多乙烯基硅油(C2胶)。研究了在真空下经受总辐照剂量为500 kGy和1 000 kGy、辐照剂量率150 Gy/min的γ-射线辐照后C2胶对高温硫化硅橡胶耐辐射性能的影响。讨论了辐照前后硅橡胶相邻两交联点间有效链平均分子量Mc和力学性能的变化。结果表明C2胶能有效地提高硅橡胶的耐辐射性能,并且其辐射保护效果随着其浓度的增加(从2份到14份)而增加。 Polyvinyltetraphenylphenylsiloxane (C2 gum) was synthesized by Diels-Alder reaction. The resistance to irradiation of heat-curable silicone rubber containing C2 gum was investigated by y-rays at doses up to 500 Gy, 1000 kGy and dose rate of 150 Gy/min in vacuum. The average molecular weight between crosslinks (Me) and mechanical properties of silicone rubber before and after irradiation were determined. The results showed that C2 gum can improve the radiation resistance of silicone rubber,and the radiation resistance increases with increasing of amount of C2 gum used from 2 to 14 parts.
出处 《弹性体》 CAS 2006年第5期6-9,共4页 China Elastomerics
基金 国家自然科学基金(29974016) 高等学校骨干教师资助计划(66060) 山东省自然科学基金(2003B01)
关键词 四苯基苯基多乙烯基硅油 γ-射线辐照 耐辐射 高温硫化硅橡胶 polyvinyltetraphenylphenylsiloxane y-rays irradiation radiation resistance heat-curable silicone rubber
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